
DRLegwear with Jess Zaino

Today I want to tell you about an amazing experience at Duane Reade with the celebrity stylist Jess Zaino. We were looking for outfits for different kinds of occasion, but our limit was $100 for a whole new outfit.
My first thought was "REALLY?, just a hundred", but Jess told me not to be worry about it, you are going to have an amazing outfit for less than that. I trusted her!

Hoy quiero contarles acerca de mi increíble experiencia en Duane Reade junto a la estilista de celebridades Jess Zaino. Buscábamos un conjunto de ropa nuevo para una ocasión especial, pero nuestro único limite era que solo podíamos gastar $100 USD para comprar todo un nuevo conjunto.

Mi primera impresión fue "EN SERIO?, solo cien" pero allí fue cuando Jess dijo que no me preocupara y que yo iba a tener increíble ropa por menos del presupuesto. Así que decidí confiar en ella.

Jess Zaino with Duane Reade legwear

Favorite piece from h&mDuane Reade leggings and socks
Fashion winter
The truth is that I´d never imagined to find so many hosiery options in this store (Duane Reade), but I changed my mind and definitely I will go there more frequently.

La verdad es que nunca me imagine poder encontrar tantas opciones de medias en esta tienda (Duane Reade) , pero increíblemente cambio mi modo de pensar y definitivamente iré más seguido a comprar allí.
My new outfit
Blazer: H&M $30
Peplum Top: H&M $14.99
Leggings: Duane Reade $17.99
Trouser socks: Duane Reade $ 6.99

Now you can enter the "Show Us Some Leg" contest by submiting original photos of yourself or a family member wearing Duane Reade ™ brand hosiery! starting November 18 through January 7th, 2013.You will be judged by Celebrity Stylist, Jess Zaino of Cheap Chic Shopping Tours.

Ahora tu puedes entrar al concurso "Show Us Some Leg" , subiendo una fotografia original tuya o de un miembro de tu familia usando medias de Duane Reade! Este concurso empieza en Noviembre 18 y va hasta Enero 7,2013. Tus fotografías serán juzgadas por la estilista de celebridades Jess Zaino de Cheap Chic Shopping Tours. 
  • 1st prize of an iPod Touch / 1 premio iPod Touch.
  • 2nd prize of a $200 DR Gift Card / 2 premio $200 DR en tarjeta de regalo.
  • 3rd prize of $100 of DR hosiery products. / 3 premio $100 en medias DR.
The winner of the Grand Prize for the best overall photo will be chosen by public vote on Facebook, and will receive an Apple iPad®, a $200 DR™ Gift Card, and $100 worth of DR™ hosiery products.
El ganador del gran premio final sera escogido por voto publico en Facebook y ganara un Apple iPad®, una tarjeta de regalo por $200 DR™ , y  $100 DR™ para compras de la linea de medias.

DR Twitter twitter.com/DuaneReade
DR Facebook www.facebook.com/duanereade
DR Youtube www.youtube.com/user/DuaneReadeTV

Do you want to see all my shopping story: Click here http://ow.ly/fq9oB
Quieres ver toda mi historia de compra : Entra ya aqui http://ow.ly/fq9oB

            • "DRLegwear with Jess Zaino"

              THANK YOU - GRACIAS
              Follow me - Sigueme


  • “I am a member of the Collective Bias® Social Fabric® Community. This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias™ and Duane Reade #CBias #SocialFabric” (Feel free to add any additional wording you would like such as “all opinions are my own”) Please be sure that the words “Collective Bias” and Duane Reade are hyperlinked with the “nofollow” tag as well.


    1. Me encanto lo que escogiste y a súper precios!, te confieso que había visto esa tienda pero no la visite, ahora me animo y el concurso esta súper! Muchas Gracias por la información!


    2. love love love this post! thank you so much!

    3. Me encanto leer sobre tu experiencia. La verdad es que yo no conocia sobre esta tienda. Tambien me gustaron los precios =) Gracias por compartir.

    4. It was great hanging out with you during the Jess Zaino shoot! Here is my coverage of the experience: http://www.ascendingbutterfly.com/2012/11/learn-how-you-can-win-with-duanereade.html

      I'm glad we also got to hang out again at the Hispanicize 2013 New York Meetup!

      Tracy @ Ascending Butterfly

    5. I wanted to know if you would like to get paid to blog, if so check out this link and thanks



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