I hope that all of you had a great Labor Day weekend. "Beauty Fall Routine" is going to be a serie of blog posts about the proper care and beauty preparation for the Fall season. Today I am going to start with my oral care routine for the coming season; this includes tricks for lips, teeth and mouth in general. Enjoy and let me know if you have a special trick to transition from Summer to Fall.
Follow me on all my social media as @FashionFabNews.
Lina Mayorga.
- You brush you teeth with step 1 ( Deep Cleansing Toothpaste) for 1 minute to deep clean.
- Spit and do not rinse.
- Add step 2 (Whitening Finisher) and keep brushing for 1 minute to whiten.
- Spit and rinse.
It provides a clean you can feel from the first use along with a brighter, whiter smile in just two easy steps: step 1 deep cleans and step 2 is a whitening finisher.
For optimal results, Crest recommends to use the product twice daily instead of your toothpaste. I am using it once because I don't want to feel any oral discomfort because I have sensitive gums. But the overall product is really good and has been working well so far. You should give it a try! Refine your beauty and fashion routine - then flaunt it! Show me how you #GetPolished with Crest.
LIPS: You probably have heard about exfoliation for your face and body, but your lips need it as well. We don't care about our lips as much as we should and we use them a lot during the day.
Use what you have at home and make a natural scrub for your lips. My favorite and the easiest is the one I make combining brown sugar and olive oil.
1 tbsp of brown Sugar1/2 tbsp of Olive oil

I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.
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